Steam Distillation Supplement

Prior to the performance of this experiment, each student MUST do the following AT HOME:

Obtain 6 oranges, 12 lemons, or 12 limes.

Peel the skin from the fruit, using a potato peeler. Do NOT cut into the rind.

Tear the peels into small pieces and put them into a blender. *

Add a small amount of water (1-2 ozs.) to the blender and mix the contents until it turns "pulpy". You should prepare 1/2 to 1 cup (4 to 8 ounces by volume) of pulp.

Place this pulp into a closed container and refrigerate.

Bring your container of pulp up to the lab the morning of the experiment, and place it on your lab bench. Be sure your name is on your container.

* If you don’t have access to a blender, add a little water to the peel and bring this to lab.