Simple Distillation of a Volatile Liquid
Containing Non-volatile Impurities
Assemble the simple distillation apparatus as shown in the pictures below. Use a 100 mL round-bottomed
flask for the still pot.
Have your instructor check your apparatus for proper assembly.
Remove the Thermometer/adapter assembly from your apparatus, and insert your long-stem
plastic funnel.
Pour 50 mL of cyclohexane ( B.P. 80 - 82oC ) through
the funnel into your apparatus.
Note the color and clarity of your pure
liquid on your laboratory data sheet.
Remove the funnel from your apparatus and add your magnetic stirring bar.
Replace the thermometer/ adapter assembly onto your apparatus.
Have your instructor check your apparatus before you start
Place a 50 mL graduated cylinder so that the tip of the condenser is centered over the neck
of the cylinder, as shown on the demonstration set-up.
Turn the water on so that a gentle flow comes from the discharge end of the apparatus.
Start stirring and begin heating the distillation flask on a setting of “4”.
As soon as the liquid begins to boil and the condensing vapors have reached the thermometer bulb,
regulate the heat supply so that distillation continues steadily at 1 drop per second.
As soon as drops begin falling into the receiver, record the
temperature from the thermometer in the
distillation head. Record the temperature every four mL
Discontinue heating when only 2-3 mL of your pure liquid remains in the distillation flask
Pour the contents of your receiver into the recovery bottle.
Note the boiling range of your pure liquid on your
lab report form, and note the color and
clarity of your distillate.